hari nie, terbace kosmo while browsing for topic yg nk kne submit for oral LHP 456 (still x puas hati, y sc comp student must take this paper?)huhu....spoken english...sgt mlas! (huhu..tlong rajin! juz ckp jeh..tu pon susah ke)
so, back to the news that i found in that kosmo...in Geneva. the team : - ( doctor + software engineer ) planning to invent the new brain model, n soon released in 2018...it was amazed!!First kind of invention in this world!~ hem...this project so-called as "projek Otak Biru".....this model composed by silicon, bronze, and gold~ hem..i bet, if this project work successfully..the people who used this brain will get shoot by the pencurik meyh...sape xmoh curik..otak yg dperbuat dari emas, silicon , n gangsa?..hoho
Hasil ciptaan yang terbaru itu mungkin dianggap sejenis makhluk dan dalam tempoh sedekad, makhluk rekaannya itu boleh berfikir, mempunyai perasaan dan lebih hebat lagi mampu jatuh cinta.
Projek Profesor Markram itu digolongkan sebagai percubaan paling luar biasa dalam sejarah saintifik.
Berpuluh-puluh juta euro telah mengalir ke makmal saintis itu di Institut Minda Otak Politeknik Ecole, di Lausanne bagi menjayakan projek itu manakala penyumbangnya termasuk pentadbiran Switzerland, Kesatuan Eropah (EU) selain beberapa firma swasta seperti gergasi perisian komputer IBM.
Profesor Markram bukan membina robot yang meniru pergerakan manusia seperti ditonjolkan dalam filem sains fiksyen, sebaliknya beliau mahu menguraikan otak manusia sehingga ke peringkat terkecil iaitu sel sebelum hubungan di antara berbilion-bilion sel otak itu dianalisis seterusnya 'dipetakan' ke dalam komputer.
Hasilnya, otak tiruan yang dinamakan Otak Biru itu boleh berfikir dan berperasaan seperti manusia tetapi ia berada di dalam sebuah super komputer.
-credit to KOSMO-
BTW..ap yg menarik perhatian adalah...they really can map all those neuron into computer? using wat the brain will operated? microprocessor? how fast it can process? ley shut down? kalau break down cmner? how it will connect wit the other organ manusia? n bout those feeling..sakit,marah,fell in love? ouh..how sad if the person fell in love with u because it already been programmed..mcm jatuh chenta ngn super computer...teringt plak satu cte jepun yg pernah aku tonton dlu...huhu..dsyat nye..
tp mcm yg die kate Otak biru tu ley berfkir dan berperasaan spt manusia?...how come ek..if possible pon..jap..msti akan kaji balik pergerakkan mnusia..map back in computer, n program back as normal person will react. jap3...gle membebel..ok, bek g lunch. jap g off to clas..
- meeting ngn CEDEC people @ 2.30
- YONG BELAR coming friday..(gosh! not telling my mum yet...cmne nk susun ayat kasik chantek...)
till then, later.
-si pelangi-
i like the idea of blue brains,...
hehehe.... mayb if it is a yellow brains project tht would be much more interesting .....
hmmm,.. what would be if a robot have a yellow brains ..... hehe... *** thinking mode ***
-by the way good luck on your LHP .
i partially like la bout this idea..coz mcm hectic sgt jeh. n bout the yellow brain...No Komen. hoho..
hee..thanks~ try do da bes for LHP~ =)
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