okies, today nk bergerak ke penang, sbb ad frens wedding. Hmm, name die Jep! n somehow, i forgot his real name...bape bnyk kali try nk ingat, still x dpt jugak. OMG, cmne ni nk p kawen die ni, da la kad pon xdpt. aiyoo, problem betul la..tp mmg dari dlu pggil die Jep, xpon, encik Teddy! haha. okies. kinda of rapat jugak ngn die mase intern dlu, sbb die mmg baek sgt, and selalu berperangai mcm.."aku kan abg!" huh. okies, btw...next week. cinta baru bakal mnyusul dalam hidup..Insha-Allah. :) doakan sume nye brjalan lancar ye.
Ok, ni la bakal cinta hati baru saya. :) hensem kan die? *wink2*
Hello. Morning! ok..kalau masuk ofis time2 mcm nie, sume org akan greet Morning. (ntah pape kan, padahal da almost 9 PM kot..kunun org U.S kot)
okies. semalam adelah..hari..hm..hari rabu? erk. haha. okes. bukan2 nk ckp hari makan2 seofis kot. sbb ramai bawak makanan. and i'm only jadi tukang makan la kan. hehe.. so, pada yg xtaw, actually i'm work as Tech Solution V Representative ( ok, name nk glamer kan) , name x glamer adelah..IT Support, lagi xley blah org akan ckp..keje customer service ekh? Operator? xpon, dorg akan kate help desk? ok..adek beradek la sume tuh. Kene entertain customer yg problem ngn machine dorg. And the users that we are supporting is Chevron Employee..tau x Chevron? tu..syarikat U.S. kalau kat Malaysia they are known as Caltex. Taraaaa~~ ni le die lambang Chevron tersebut..
Ok...nnt org konpius, kate keje ngn HP, tp nape skang ckp pasal Chevron plak. okies..We are permanently HP Employee, and HP anta kami untuk keje ngn Chevron. before nie, IT support ntok Chevron ni berpusat di New Zealand, but it been move to Malaysia. Da almost 2 tahun kot. So, kalau malas nk cite akan ckp, saye keje HP je, but the things is, bile masuk keje, xde semangat HP langsung pon, sume akan semangat Chevron je, HP ni ala2 kambing hitam je. ok, make sense ke? and even my HP badge pon x buat lagi! >_< style="text-align: center;">Kambing hitam ke?
ok...off btw, semalam kat ofis ade makan2. mybe smpena end of the year, or might be Christmas juge. ok. pape pon, smpat la snap 2-3 pic. termasuk cubicle saye yg bersepah! ouh my~ haha. ok..nk wat cmne, dpt cubicle baru yg monitor lagi besar dan chantek xmo pindah, alasan : xdek zaihan and elza (my co-worker ) kat sebelah. Susah nk gosip2. boleh? haha. okies, btw.. ni post saye malam td, n somehow, connection interrupt. So, xdpt le saye upload, sbb da ngantok amat, trus off laptop and tido. so, re-post je. hee
Morning! haha. What thee....it almost 4 PM kot..dang! Well, as my job schedule is quite weird..(follow the U.S time), so it drive me crazy sometimes..can you just imagine..after 5 days you sleep at day time cause you need to work at night and for 2 days on weekend you need to sleep at night back, if only my eyes have the automatic button that i can just turn on and off! must be cool huh! so, xpyah pening2 kepala..huhu..
Well, this not a big issue actually it just happen recently when my car broke down last 2 nite, before that already work on weekend! O.M.G! (work on weekend? Xde life langsung kan?) --> Ok, saye tau! dun have to mention! i have to! and i need to! =.=" sedey kan.. nak kumpul duet nak kawen la kate kan? ekekeke...tersedak kang orang sane bace. Ok, back to the main story. my car down! bau terbakar kot satu kereta! panic jugak la! tp buat2 cool, then tersadai la kat tepi jalan! and it almost 8.30 AM~ my god! how2..so, firstly, msg org tu, suh topup kan sbb credit tbe2 da abes (time tu jgak nk abes..drama kan?) then, credit yg tggal..seek on help! yes, my hero comin'~~ My Babah! and angah and his wife also..naseb kne kat Balakong, kalau kne kat area Cyber lagi seram oo...kete x banyak kot kat sane..ok, then end up i have to take EL cause no transport nk p gheja..so, that night i go back sleep la..then, next day, masuk balik like usual..which is berjaga malam~ ouh...like what i said earlier..if only i have a switch! ok~ tido SEKARANG! ahaha..dem..but obviously TAKDEE la kan..and after 2 days, i on my off day! which mean tido malam balik...adoi la..pening2...
ok, abes cerite pasal keje yg merepek tu, the purpose of this pose actually just want to share out something..whick i think..ramai da tau kot..but..still nk share jugak! biar laaa..it's about the Unlocker Assistant. Tadaaaa!! xtaw kan? (sape2 yg da tau..pelishh..buat2 xtaw k. tqvm) ok..this software is useful when come to the place where u unable to delete the file. kadang2 people tend to just delete the file just hit delete kan, well..it goes to recycle bin which is good jugak, let say salah delete ke, ley restore balik from the RB (Recycle Bin)..or maybe can force delete by hit Shift+Del. ok, but somehow, ad file2 yg degil and xboleh d delete. Ada error keluar stated :
Error Deleting File or Folder Cannot remove folder xxxxxx: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.
Ha..slalu ap yg d buat..adelah tutup any files open yg related to kan, xpon maybe ley cube godek2 kat task manager and kill any process yg macam mirroring to that files, but if still unable to...you can try to use Unlocker Assistant! Just p kat pakcik google, type in, and download..n tada! ready to use~ once you click to delete the file, it will open up the Unlocker Assistant and you have option whether to kill it or unlock it. Like mine, i choose unlock and after that, just hit delete - in the blink of an eye! the file has been deleted! Wallauu~ easy to use! try it now! haha. da mcm promoter pulak bunyik nye. okies. sampai d cni sahaje post kali ini. berjumpe lagi d laen hari.
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So- if you give her... any crap, u will receive a ton of shit!!!
salam alaik. lama dah rasanya blog ni dbiar. maka, jadi la terbiar.. kisah nye malam2 camni, mengadap laptop smbil surf2..ntok preparation interview esok.. soklan mcm exam plak tuh, gigih aku bukak w3school balik. ekeke. n then, tgk2 logic ang algo...(buat sedap kan hati je..)
then, tgh2 duk ngadap cik laptop, babah tnye, interview company mane, kat mane, then aku jawab la, kat Hotel Hilton, level 6. ayah aku muka da berubah..."asal kat hotel plak? level 6 tu bilik ke meeting room?" "emm, xtaw la bah..xmasuk lagi, so, xtaw la lagi bilik ke, meeting room.." then babah smbg lagi.."kalau bilik hotel, kakak jangan masuk tau" aku tepuk dahi! haiyaa....apekahh??
then, berlalu ke luar rumah...tmpt aku park kete tghri td.. kete proton saga lama, kaler hijau terparking megah d ctu. itu la kete yang ak duk usung ke hulu hilir skang, nk g interview ke, soping ke..sume2 la. babah cek2 kete... (dalam hati aku, alamak! da lame x cek kete~)...terus kuar follow babah g kat kete.. then belajar la plak pasal enjin kete memalam buta nie.. ap function itu, ap function ini..minyak enjin, bla3...
then... lepas da setel sume, aku duk dalam kete tu....tgk keadaan kete tu..mmg da uzur jugak..tp sgt bnyk berjasa kete tu.. aircond die x function dah, bile aku tarik handbrake pon, xdek lampu dah kat dashboard die. hihi..mmg old school abes la..tp enjin die tahan, bunyi pon boleh tahan..vrooom3.. teringt kembali masa aku kecik2 dlu...kemain suke bile babah bawak balik kete nie..time tu, bile da ad kete saga ni, rasa cm bes gile la..sbb kawan2 suke na kutuk2 kete lama ayah aku yg kaler merah dlu..bile pk balik...smp skang kot, ad je yg kutuk2, eh, org tu bawak kete cmni la, mesti xbrpe nk kaya la..itu la..ini laa...penting ke sume tu? it juz kalau da takat itu kemampuan org tu, sape kite nk judge kan? xdnafikan...kami pon bukan datang dari family yg kaya2 pon.. nk kate family vacation tu mmg x penah wujud la dlm kamus family kami nie...bile d ingat2 balik, skang nie la..baru nmpk ok sket family kami. anak2 da besar, babah da xconcern sgt, cause 3 org anak die da lepas...tggl 2 je lagi..
*tbe2 mode nk menulis da abes* --sbb ramai start buzz me-- alaaa....
one more things...nk update sbnr nye blog nie. nk tukar skin, n update links. penat la..nk bace blog cik kiah, g menggagau ke blog azim. haha. nnt la..bile den rajen, den update..
btw, bakal ke penang hari isnin lepas lala abes keje. sbb bakal bergraduasi next week~ wohooo~
okies. sile sedar diri bahawa anda ada interview esok ok. harap maklum! sile bergegas kemas barang~
note kecik : td interview kt citibank, sok kat hotel hilton, pas grad kne g lapor diri kat encik jpa. harap la x clash.
- are you bonded with gov or any non-gov area sector? * yes, i am. I'm JPA scholarship holder, but within 6 month if, JPA did not sent any offer letter, can consider that i'm free from that agreement *
pastu, bile da masuk dlm interview room..interviewer bace, n akan tnye lagi
-how many month left? what if i hire you, then gov call you for the placement? * it is compulsory for me to go, as it was stated in the agreement before, n about 4-5 month left(walaupon sbnr nye aku x g lapor diri pon lagi kat JPA sbb transcript mane de lg..belom konvo lagi). But, if only the gov call me for any placement, i have to undergo the screening test and an interview also, which i can purposely fail it if i already work wit ur company sir*
bosan ngn soalan tu bleh x?? curse la plak tbe2 ngn JPA nie.
tapikan, logical thinking, we are compulsory untuk berkhidmat dgn kerajaan, tp x djanjikan tempat. how2? n untk proses pemilihan by SPA tuh, xdek specialty pon, all are treated at the same level, either u are JPA holder or not, it doesn't matter..so, what the point? haiyaaaa......
n next time, should i juz sign the form by answering the question that i'm not bonded with any gov or any non-gov? adei. tipu salah. xtipu salah. how?
hmm...bersabar la wahai hati. i.allah. Dia Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mngetahui. at least u don't have any hutang for your edu ryte. Be grateful wahai cik diri. bertabah sket ye. kamon. :) teruskan usaha!
Hak seorg kwn: Jika egkau tdk mampu memberi bantuan kpdnya, jgnlah pula engkau memberi kesusahan kpdnya, jika engkau tdk mampu menggembirakannya, jgnlah pula engkau mndukacitaknnya dan jika engkau tdk mampu memujinya, jgnlah pula engkau mengejinya..
p/s : maaf andai tidak melaksanakan hak ini dgn sebaik mungkin. same2 la saling ingt mengingati :)
Btw~ untuk cik anon d bawah, maafla kalau spesifikasi cerita adalah berkait dgn anda, ataw tbe2 secara kebetulan adelah perkara yg sdang anda lalui. who know's kan? maaf la kot2 tercuit perasaan ke.
Cume suke untuk saya highlight kan d cni, itu ap yg berlaku pada saya, dan pendapat saya. saya x kata saya bagus. ye. saya amat teruk kot. saya realize bende tuh. so much thing happen to me lately, n i start figure it out.. betapa bnyk nye slack diri ini. So, kesimpulan ntok entry yg lalu adelah ntok memberi semngt pada diri sendri. mgkin cik anon x knal siapa saya, dan bagaimana cara saya. so, lepas nie, kalau nk attack saya lg, sile la jelaskan dgn lebih lanjut ye.
enuf bout that.
well then, cakap pasal slack tntg diri sendri, i guess the most thing yg kadang2 aku xley handle is being alone. yup2. that one thing yg kadang2 ley buat aku meroyan. jenis x reti nk duk diam2. msti ad je mende kene buat, n ad communication. ye, mulut can't help to shut up. if tbe2 diam dlm waktu yg pnjg....adelah yg x kne tu. trust me. sape yg knal ak dgn betul2 will notice it. So....moody kan. xtaw mcm mane nk kawal. kadang2 tu rase sgt benci jugak sbb ad habit yg mcm tuh. Spoil laa~~
pape pon, ak nk cite pasal isu kawan sbnr nye, tp mlas la plak, nnt msti ad anon2 attack aku. haha...dan satu isu nie jugk. tp nnt la. next post. kalau ak rajin.
p/s: mcm nk aktif balik berblogging. boleh? ahah. tbe2 plak kan~ uhuhu~ tgk la kalo rajen, n kalo ad story~ ok, salam~
salam all... in two days...got second exam. n less than 2 weeks...i will leave USM. bumi penang. no feeling at all lagi. haha. hati kering ke? ceh...padhal dlm hati penuh taman bunge2 lagi..
result da kuar kan? pngk. ntok budak final year kan. haha. aku da ley agk da result tu. tp kite nie manusia yg jarang bersyukur kan. b4 nie doa2...mohon2 pointer x jatuh, kalau x repeat paper tu da kire bagus la.. n kalau pointer x jatuh pon da kire bgus la.. bile da dpt mcm tu, pointer x drop, tp bley plak nk down2 lagi, mule plak pk, nape x mcm nie, mcm tuh.. ape kes? sile la bersyukur...coz others ad yg teruk lagi dri anda yer.. kufur nikmat sungguh anda nie! alhamdulillah......(maseh bukan dgn sepenuh hati-cis! mmg nk kne tarbiyah gamak nye ak nie)
ak baru balik dari kenduri pojul pg td.. tahniah. beliau da kawen~ kawan aku da kawen. yg same2 duk tergolek tido, yg same2 duk gelak2 dlm clas da kawen. huhu...seram pon ad gak, hepi tu sudah tentu. ngee...
pape pon, best wishes ntok pojul n sadiq!
n mood ak nk tulis dgn emo pn da abes sebab aku duk tergelak tgk gmbar2 mase kenduri.
nnt ak up pic kt fb ok. pape pon..tajuk post ak skang pakai alphabet je, siyes xdek idea nk taruk ap..hoho..
cume nk tnye sket, wajar kah menghukum org laen, atas kesilapan org laen d mase lalu? keji kan mcm tu? serius keji.
A kawan ngn B, pastu xkawan dah...sbb kate nye B mcm nie la, mcm tu la.. pastu..dtg C...ouh, C lah yg terbaek, kawan pling baek, so ke mane2 bersame... dtg D, ouh, si A tamau la lebih2 ngn si D atas sebab nnt jadik mcm si B. tp ngn C xpe, die da ajr mcm2, kire the best fren ever la...watdehel!
kesimpulan - kadang2 org x pk pon pasal ko, jadik jgn terhegeh2 pk pasal org tuh, n tak payah la kau pon nk buat2 kunun tanya2 kabar,mcm ko concern, padahal sebelah mate pon ko x peduli sbnr nye kan,so tak payah la.. sbb ak rase mcm nk lempang muke ko. boleh gitu?
dem! ak dah emo balik.
baek ak stop! ok bai!
*terpk balik. hidup nie mmg mcm tuh kdg2. bertabah ekh. sket je lg. :) kamon2! Dia ad. seriyes! Dia sentiasa ad untuk kau. chill ok!
maaf untuk semua. am ai being selfish? ai dun noe what happen recently, it juz, everything not went well, ai dunno what ai should do, how should ai act..it juz not happen in the way as it should happen.
*shed a tear* can ai juz go back home? ai juz think, ai need people to see me, watch me and took care of me for a while. i feel not healthy emotionally. it feel bad. ai need some love for a while. somebody care to give me a piece of ur love?
*still shed a tear*
ai belief it last for a couple of day. i'll be ok soon. ai promise. sorry for the hard time that ai give yu.
starting untuk cerita mualaf dr pengarah terknal - allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad.
terkesan sgt dgn suara budak lelaki yg nyanyi lines tersebut.
emosi skang : persis rollercoaster --> naek turun tnpa arah.
Lama sungguh rasa nya saya x menulis kt cni, skill menulis da tumpul.
buat masa ini, masih d USM. xrasa lagi syahdu2 spt rakan2 yg laen yg telah meninggalkan USM, mgkin sebab ad lebih kurang 3mggu lagi kot. klas plak dari pagi smp ptg..duk ngadap komputer 9 pg- 5 ptg...break juz one hour jeh. clas xmau kalah..macm office hour, tp ap yg dpt? itu yg kite xpasti. agk2 da terror ke .Net framework? haila~~ susah nk describe..
esok first exam ! jumlah semua exam - 3. Selamat Berjuang! ~ moga d permudahkan.
like it very much! n the bag too! thanks budak busuk! hoho
(even x rase pon birthday sendri sbnr nye, sbb terlalu bz, so nk ubah tarikh suke2 hati boleh? haha, so ptong kek skali lagi. boleh x awak? so, anta skali lagi kt umah saya hujung mggu ni. boleh?)
pape pon. thanks pada sume. ntok gmbr, sile rujuk fb ye.. sy adelah sgt mals nk taruk gmbr kt blog ye, jadi, blog saye ad la sgt bosan. maka, xpaya la baca. sbb saya adalah tidak bersemangat menulis sbnr nye, tggu hingga semangat itu dtg kembali. hee. :p
p/s : saye nk kuar nie, sape nk kuar ngn saye? hem..benci la, bile nk kuar, sume org xdek. haihs.
mahu ke queensbay sbntar lagi. haish! bosan la pegi sorg. ad sape nk teman? saya dapat curik kreta rumet saye punye ehem2. jom la. jom la. saye gugup sbnr nye bawak kereta auto. haha.
okies. chow!
p/s : mama call, katenye balik nnt, smntara tggu nk dpt keje, jadik cikgu tusyen dlu. ahah. nnt, lepas ni, sume sile panggil saye cikgu ye. sekian. :) [sbnr nye, saye mlas nk keje lagi, boleh?]
p/s 2: cikgu skola rendah da bsing2 suh anta resume, die nk masukkan kt tmpt kje abg die. ouh. saye tamau keje lagi. nk rehat dlu. boleh?
eh..jap nk smbg mende laen lagi sket....
untuk 3p yg start kamis nie, ntok group yg same ngn saye.
venue lab 4 ye kawan2. kelas dari kul 9-5 ptg. dun be late. ahaks! rehat la sgt~~ baru beberapa hari abes viva, start class da. huhuuiii~ gigih benar kamu nie.
so, dari 13 mei hingga 18 june maseh d usm! isnin smp jumaat, clas 9-5 pg. take note, bus xdek taw, mari la eksesais jalan kaki. dari saujana ke skul terchenta. wakakaka~
okies. now. sile start kemas brg dan basuh baju. sekian trima kasih.
salam siaran M04-7-13. :)
Sunday, May 02, 2010
sedih [noktah]
banyak orang, banyak ragam. kadang-kadang. xsedar kite membuat orang terpaksa meminta pada kita. walau kadang-kadang kita tak berniat. dan mungkin kita tak sedar, betapa rendahnya rasa hati orang itu bila terpaksa meminta.
sabar2. insya-allah. segala kesabaran itu akan dibalas. Have faith in Him.
lately nie, mata asek nk bergenang jeh. pergh~ malu seyh~ bagai membuka pekung d dada..ahaks! apekah...lempang tau! da lama xbuat entry touching2, penuh makna tersirat...mcm blog yg lame dlu...huhu...
ntahla...aku anggap ini sume salah cik hormon. hormone imbalance kot.
sedaya upaya buat.....alalalala~ aku x reti menulis tibe2.
malam2 skang susah nk tido, need 1 hour before ley lelapkan mata, pusing2 dlu, bile bace buku, nguap2, xley nk digest dah. sepatah haram aku xpaham...bace gitu jeh, for the sake nk tido, tp once letak buku, pergh..mata tamau tido..huuuu....sgt membenci kan. ngada sungguh...pandai buat refleks kalo org amek buku...lempang tau!
esok paper embedded system..boleh d katekan..paper yg killer gak..hhoho..menci2. baru chapter 12..3 chapter to go!! kamon2! lagi...
aku rase..aku rase..aku xtaw ap aku rase..bile kite punye yg laen ntok mengongsi rase, maka yg dulu2 nye terabai xterasa bukan? maaf. kadang2 aku jua begitu. sedarkan aku. huuu
perubahan..people do change ryte? percayalah. every people change. it juz kite mnyedari atau tak, kite perasan atau x. istiqamah atau x. secara ikhlas atau x. kalau perubahan baek? alhamdulillah..kalau xbaek? nauzubillah~ doakan moga kembali ke alam nyata. mgkin terlena sebentar, xsedar. rancang nya laen, buat nye laen. manusia kan...kadang2 alpa..even kite taw, signifikan nye.
sudah2 la syg...pujuk diri. kadang2 kite sedih sendri, pedih sendri, cube d renung kembali, mgkin semalam kite sudah sedihkan org, pedihkan org. siapa tahu kan? maka, d bagi pula kite merasa ape yg kite bg pada org. Dia itu adil. Maha adil.
hidup kat atas muka bumi nie, bukan hidup sorang2. so, take note jugak. org sekeliling. kalau ko xmau d kecam. kalau aku mmg jenis xpeduli ap org ckp..janji aku bahagia? camne? hahahha...lu pk la sendri~~
pape pon~~ chaiyok untuk sume! ntok aku jugak! yg bnyk maen....lately nie~ huhuiii~nk grade xnak oiiit~
p/s : entry nie hanya ap yg bermain d pkiran lately nie, agk carca marba sbb x synchronize sket. it juz....lambakan rasa yg berlegar d minda~ huhu...
RULES: 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Name: cik pelangi. ehe. Sisters: 1
Brothers: 3
Shoe size: 7/8
Height: 162
Where do you live: selangor~
Favourite drinks: peel fresh anggur putih with aloe vera. terbaek~
Favourite breakfast: hem, biase x breakfast..tp kalo dpt kueh2 kt kafe fajar tu elok jugak.
Have you ever been on a plane: not yet. uh. xbes nye.
Swam in the ocean: pkai B.A kire x?
Fallen asleep in school: penah d gelar ratu tidur kot dlu kt sbpi~ ekeke
Broken someone's heart: ntah, org len nye hati, mana nk tau.
Fell off your chair: errr..penah! deym! malu kot.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: hem, x ingt. penah ke? bek tido kot. Saved e-mails: obviously...pernah.
What is your room like: ok~~ kdang2 bosan, if i were alone!
What's right beside you: botol air, mouse, losyen, gewzel, beg laptop, notes, phone.
What is the last thing you ate: keropok super ring! leftover bekfes pg td. (yg kaler oren tu, but now, keju die da kurang2)
Ever had Chicken pox: penah...mase duk kat Ipoh dlu.
Sore throat: penah.
Stitches: nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes. i do.
Like picnics: depends~~ kalau member2 satu geng seronok ar
Who was the last person you danced with: err..mase tadika dlu..valid x? tp xingt ntah, sape mamat tuh. Last made you smile: hemm...td, mase skype. You last yelled : jerit...hem...mcm da lame x jerit..xingt. TODAY DID YOU...
Talk to someone you like: yup!
Kissed anyone: nope!
Get sick: nope!
Talked to an ex: nope! Miss someone: yup!
Eat: yup!
Best feeling in the world: tenang dan bahagia
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope! geli kot.
What's under your bed: hem. ad laci, dlm laci, ad plastik, ad kotak kasut.
Who do you really hate : people who pretend!
What time is it now: 8:49 pm
RANDOM... Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: yup. Q: Do you have any siblings: yup Q: Do you want children : obviously. Q: Do you smile often: can be count into yup! Q: Do you like your hand-writing: haha..depend! if in hurry...nope! Q: Are your toenails painted: nope! Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: no one! mine is better. Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: now is red! tshirt x-stong Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday : at tesco~ buying some sushi n nasi ayam with cikna n azri Q: I can't wait till: huhu...that 'time' Q: When did you cry last: err..jap. can't remember. Q: Are you a friendly person: sometimes~ depend on mood Q: Do you have any pets: ntah, kucing2 yg duk mama n kakcik layan tuh kire pet eh? hem.. Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now? nun d sana~~ Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? mm...yup2. kawan2..last aku pgg tgn cikna kot. xpon ghah. aku x ingt la. Have you ever crawled through a window? - err..x.budak baek. hahaha. ye ke?
Can you handle the truth? - yup! need time.
Are you too forgiving? -i guess..hem..maybe...not! haha Are you closer to your mother or father? -hem..ntah, both kot. mama marah, lari kat babah.;p
Who was the last person you cried in front of? -babah kot
How many people can you say you've really loved? - lot of them
Do you eat healthy? -yes2....hehe..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?- nope!
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? -yup
How often do you go to church? -never
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? - somewhere where no people know me.....no question..not jugdemental..no..no...
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? - can be both! Are you confident? - depends on situation
5 things I was doing 10 years ago.. 1- maen rounders smp patah kayu pemukul tersebut. 2- men bola sepak kat skola gune buah sukun 3- maen konda kondi kat skola agma smp kne tggl bus 4- maen bola baling smp jari terkehel 5- xberani men hoki slepas memukul kayu hoki tnpa arah tujuan (kne membe)
5 things on my to-do list today 1- g exam - bawak slip 2- makan 3- rest 4- tido 5- berkemas
5 snacks I enjoy 1- super ring 2- biskut dabel choc tesco 3- kitkat 4- chocolate 5- ntah
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire 1- bawa family g haji umrah 2- kawen ;p 3- travel dan travel 4- aset - rumah n kereta n syrkt 5- memberi pada yg kurang bernasib baek
5 of my bad habits 1- suke tangguh2
2- bnyak maen
3- bawak kete kurang cermat 4- malas dan mlas 5- berfkir sgt kompleks kdng2, or sgt simple
5 places I have lived in 1- IPOh - (lahir smp umur 6 taun) 2- selangor (6 smp kini) 3- rawang (skola asrama) 4- pilah yo..(metrix) 5- penang mari~~ (usm)
5 jobs I've had 1- cashier KFC 2- LI kat CEDEC 3- student 4- takde 5- takde
5 people i tagged sape rase bosan ley la jawab tag nie.... gile panjang weh...3 kali berhenti..baru siap... adoi laa...
hari nie, start da paper kat usm nie. baru sdar ! LOL! (bile duduk kat tepi meja, tgk kat tgkap...asal ramai plak org kat area padang kawad...ad expo ke? huhu..rupe2 nye, org balik exam...adehh~~)
kemamaian n kebluran tahap moksya sgguh kamu nie! patutla..blog al 'azim wish gud luck kat sume~ ehehe...
hem..perasaan nk keluar dari penang meningkat! bile la agk2 nye ley balik umah nie...td, dpt plak scedule ntok 3p tuh..adeh...ketat jugak mase...pagi smp ptg...kelas. then, selang beberapa hari..exam~ huhu....*nangis* xlarat...xlarat....--> mcm CCNA dlu...xlarat mata tgk pc smp duduk kat lantai lab...peluk kerusi, bace note ntok jawab exam...tiap module exam, ad 12 module. gile. huhu.
papepon, paper sayer adelah pade lusa, iaitu hari rabu, dan saye belom abes study lagi. kuang3. dan saye adelah sgt penat. dan saye sudah bengong. dan saye patut stop skang dan pegi mandi mgkin. haiiitt~~
untuk sume yg akan menghadapi exam. Gud Luck beb!~ may Allah bless us...
p/s: baru terasa aura exam. b4 nie xdek pom. haila..haila...manyaknye term. kamon2! u can do it!
a) 1 test left --> Microprocessors & Embedded Systems Programming.
b) Final Year Project :-
1-Documentation on System --> 7 May 2-Full viva --> 10-12 May
c) Study Week : 11 april - 17 april
d) Final exam start :
1- CST 335 -System Security & Protection. --> 21 April 2- CST 336 - Microprocessors & Embedded Systems Programming. --> 27 April 3- AKP 202 -Organizational Behavior. --> 6 May
e) 3P program : Professional Exam Certification [ASP.net] --> 13 May - 18 June
f) [19 june] --> pulang ke rumah tercinta. selamat tinggal bumi USM [i.allah kalau segalanya berjalan lancar].
p/s : doakan aku. serius aku cuak! gugup! xpenah rase segugup ini. [mungkin perasaan pabila berubah menjadi dewasa. ouh aku mula perasan aku dewasa sejak aku memohon kerja. duh! tapi hati masih belum mahu dewasa. jiwa masih belum bersedia untuk tempuh alam pekerjaan. sambung master? hem..tgk dulu. kasik tenang dulu. kasik setel sume dulu. satu2. doakan aku ye rakan2. plizzz. :) ]
salam alaik. lame dah x post sbnr nye. huhu..bukan ap, asal nk taip jeh, msti x smpurna, ad jeh slack nye, lately, rase sgt x organize. huhu, baru abes test OB baru nie, alhamdulillah..rase nye, better than before, sbb soalan more straight forward dari first test hari tuh, huhu...sbb first test dlu bnyk kasi case and kite kne evaluate dlu case tuh, pergh~~ menggelupur gak la nk menjawab..dgn bace ala2 ingat x ingt, n bile salah, deduct mark plak tuh, haisyoo...(-_-") padahal...bace x betul2 kan..nk salah kan soklan n sistem pemarkahan plak..hoho.
so, less than 3 weeks nk ke final exam. it is? ke aku salah kire. more or less la kan..pergh! tbe2 rase nk pitam. asaimen W.T.C, asaimen prof. Azman, FYP~ adoi. kuat2!! sikit je lagik.
hem, update b4 nie, g dinner CS~ well, boleh la..sbb most final year p, i can say most sbb ramai gak kawan2 yg p la. n i can say yg ballroom die sgt chantik. yep2 tahniah pada pihak penganjur. serius cantik. ai like the backdrop part n the balloon2..huhu n mostly all enjoy that nite. :) trimas pade cik2 yg sudi mensponsor transport ke Paradise Hotel ituh. sbb kadang2 perasaan saye pada CS nie.. "hilang x dicari, wujud x beerti" - paham x? sbb nape jadik cmnie, ntah la..too long, too complicated. diam2 sudeyh.
after that, kul 3 pagi-bertolak ke Melaka for Kak Yua weds. n kami smp ke KL kul 7 pagi n smp ke Melaka around kul 10 lebih if i'm not mistaken. lepak2 kat Naza hotel, siap2 then, gerak ke rumah pengantin kat Kelebang~ well...tahniah kak yua n pasangan. moga berbahagia ke akhir hayat. dgr cite hubby kak yua...programmer~ hensem ouh. (*_*) haha~~ n semaarrtt juge. sape2 yg rase die programmer n semaartt ley la cube isi borang ntok melamar saye. Opzz! layak ke? haha ramai jugak yg p kenduri nie, dari senior2 yg da keje, smp la kami nie.. tbe2 terpk, nnt bile aku kawen, agk2 kan, dorg dtg cmni x?? huhu.....value frenship tuh sgt buat aku terharu. hem.
ckp pasal values frenship nie, come across pasal sorg hamba Allah nie. kesian jugak kat beliau, n tringt kawan aku sorg nie ckp pasal die. haila~~ ntah la...aku pon nk komen lebih xley jugak, sat g kne balik kat batang hdung sndri, take note sndri2 sudah la...
bile kite buat something, selalu ingt... Allah tu maha adil, paling x pon, kite akan kne kejap2 tu jugak, xpon, kasi perap, 2 tahun pastu die akn turn balik kat kite, xpon, seploh tahun ke, 20 tahun ke, who knows kan? life is karma. it is?
tp kdang2 tetap lupe juge! haisyooo (-_-" bnyk mkn semut ke ap??
saya masih xpaham perasaan sorg hamba Allah nie pada saye. saye ckup down n terseksa kalau berhadapan dgn beliau. hem. moge saye ckup kuat ntok beberape bulan yg mendtg nie! yoshh!!~
cume saye nk ckp...da final year da nie.. sudah2 la...--> xpaham gak sudah ap.... kate mama sbnr nye...sudah2 la dgn outdoor actvities tuh... sbb kate nk p hiking pas abes viva! haha... tp da sign up ntok workshop tuh....start 13 mei plak tuh. aiyaa...xremaja laa~~~ haha adoyaiii...
hem...cite2 stakat nie.. nk bli SLR sebijik!! duet da ad...cume nk tgk..same ad..ketepatan mase tu... D5000 or D90?? --> duet lebih ley bawak mama lepak2 pusing langkawi.. backpackers kunun...semartt gak, sape nk ikut? lelaki d galakkan..hehe..untung2 ley rapatkan ukhwah ngn mama... ouh gile gatal kamu! ok, enough! lets go to work!!!
lupe plak, lepas g kenduri kak yua kami ke sg petani esok nye, kenduri karim n pasangan. bes kan kami. hee~~ okies, adios!! salam~~ saygi rakan anda, sbb anda xtaw smp bile rakan anda tuh syg kat anda. n xtaw jugak smp bile die ley tahan ngn perangai anda. pape pon..selamat menghadapi ap2 yg perlu d hadapi!
soalan satu: Nama-nama timangan oleh org tersayang...
1. Adikwa/Kakak - panggilan kat umah 2. Sal - kawan skola menengah rendah
3. Wawa - kawan skola asrama or yg rapat
4. Salwa - skang 5. Nor~~ hehe..amad panggil
Soalan dua: Anda seorang yang...
1. cube ntuk jadik cool (haha) 2.kadang2 berpk dgn sgt kompleks untuk sesuatu yg simple 3. slalu d kategori kan sbgai "kurg" prempuan. cess! 4. simple n single (oppz)...simple n sweet~~ haha. gle perasaan~ 5. pling alah apabila terpaksa menunggu...(kne latih dri bnyk bersabar nie)
Soalan tiga: Makananfavouriteanda... 1. prefer something yg x pelik n not related to milk~
Soalan lapan: Kali terakhir anda menangis beriya-iya..kenapa?? huhu..sgt beriya2 yeh...mase last time tadek org nk teman p bli tiket balik penang awal mase cti sem hari tuh, beria sgt menangis nye, nape ntah. xpaham gak...haha..smp babah pujuk2 bagai...lalalaa~~ gle malu...
jam 742 pagi. masih lena d ulit mimpi. terkejut dgn msg yg baru d terima dari rakan baekku.
"baer, ayah aku da tade. xciden smlm. langgar lari. masuk icu. kul 4 pagi td hembuskan nafas terakhir. aku kt ospital ampang lagi nie. bg taw yg laen" -msg dari mud.
baer - kawan baek aku mud - kawan baek aku jugak.
kami berkawan since form 1.
aku terkedu sebentar. luruh hati. jantung. perasaan mau pulang ke rumah. menjenguk mud.
tbe2 terfikir, what if dat happen to me. i'm not ready yet! ntok kehilangan sesiapa. yg amat aku syg. tp, pernah ke mende2 begini menanti untuk kite bersedia? malah kite sendiri mungkin "dijemput"...perlukah kita menangguhkan nya dgn alasan kite belum bersedia?? my goodness. aku ikut tenggelam dalam emosi, xmampu aku bygkan kalau aku d tempat mud. moga mud tabah.
Al- Fatihah buat arwah ayah kawan ku. Daripada Dia kita datang, kepada Dia kita kembali.
sense of not belonging. few years back. causing by something that can be classified as an idiot! refresh back last nite when i had the conversation wif sum of my frens. well, what u give, u get back - the conclusion.
kite x ley expect sume org akan sng and suke ngn kite. but at least, if u really hate that person pon, show some respect la beb.. dun ave to go and pointed out at her face - aku x suke kau sbb - bla...bla...bla.. (sambil buat muka konfiden sbb d sisi kau ade org support) well, at least, the reason really reasonable la.. dan untuk kes ni, sah2 reason ko sgt ley buat aku rase mahu ketuk kepala sendri. mcm mane aku ley deal ngn makhluk2 mcm nie. d sni.
--off bout that--
well then, aku juz cume rase nk menaip jeh, sbb sume plan aku untuk diz weekend spoil kan. so, aku sgt la rase x bes. plan ntok ke kampus kejuruteraan xjadik, plan ntok ke queensbay carik brang x jadik, plan untuk buat fyp x jadik, last2 end up dgn.......duk lab siapkan assemen assembly, smpt larik p men badminton ngn jiha, amy + psgn, nada n epul --> lepas tension kununnye, n p interview job. owh ye, saye p interview kat syrkt Hicom itu. agk sempoi la..no komen. mgkin, interviewer die saje tabur janji2 manis mnyakinkan ala2 nk pggil for second interview, but then, we'll c how things going..kalau ad rezki, i.allah. doa2 la ye, mudah2an.
cik x rumet xpulang dari KL lagi, some sort of rindu jugak. rindu ke? hahaha~ xdela sgt, biase2 jeh.
owh, tbe2 gedik nk taruk gmbr, (tp, wireless dengki, jadik, saye x jadik taruk gmbar) adios!
p.s : cek B.P , height, and weight mase expo kerjaya sabtu hari tuh. sume ok! berat turun! *wink -wink* ~~ adekah sbb saye susa hati?
p.s 2 : mata belah kanan asek gerak2 jeh, it been 2 days. - google2 kat tenet : ad ckp, org jauh nk dtg jumpe, xpon, ade org jauh rindu. cpat2..sape rindu nie, bek ngaku!!
p.s 3 : lagu "hanya satu" by Mocca sgt sweet. Try it!
p.s 4 : title rojak bukan bermaksud rojak mknn, ia nya merujuk pada bermacm2 genre yg d cmpurkan dlm satu entry yg same. harap maklum~
(^^,) selamat malam sume. pesan nabi, maafkan sume org b4 tido. lapangkan minda, suci kan hati, tenangkan jiwa. salam~~
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
info paling latest. 7 Meisubmit fyp = upload kat server or full report.
10-12 Meiviva fyp.
program berakit Sg. Pahang antara IPT 8-16 Mei. Mkne nye x dapat join. KECEWA! haisss...
kamon2. mari berusaha! bertungkus dan berlumus.
p.s : mcm ad sumtin wrong jeh ngn tarikh submit n viva tuh...bukan lagik awal ke.. (masih berusaha nk p berakit)
hari ni hari selasa. besok class spoken english batal! heaven~~ tp ganti next friday --> friday is my holiday! *duh! aku rase, sir minat kat aku, tiap kali class mesti call out name aku. ekekeke.(gile perasan)
maseh ade kerja yg perlu d siapkan. status : is busy till graduate.
P.S : perasaan sperti mahu terbang ke suatu tempat. jumpe kamu. boleh?
usai cuti mid term. ambil cermin besar. lihat apa yg terkurang, terlobang, terkoyak. sedaya upaya, lebihkan, tampalkan, jahitkan.
bertabah lah untuk 3 bulan ini. kamu pasti boleh! sokong saya~pelisss betul2 perlu momentum untuk siapkan yg satu itu. tolong ya. :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
alhamdulillah~ da selesai 3 direct test ntok minggu nie. hem, da start cuti dah. da ramai yg beransur pulang ke kampung masing2. aku? ahad nant, i.allah.
hem, first~ thanks to azim for the J.CO..susah payah delivery ke blok mo4 nie. terbaek la beb~ syg ko lah~ hehe.
second~ nasi ayam kat cafe saujana itu x menepati seleraku..tekak kembang seyh, aiyak, bile memikirkn balik, rase cm nk vomit balik..da la mkn x abes. aish...membazir la anda~~
third, tadi teman ghah p potong rambut, n ghah belanje mkn kopok lekor pastuh.
then, tadi baru lpas mkn megi. sbb da upset tggu kat gee tomyam x dilayan dlm mase 5 minit. hohoo~ boleh gtu?
hem, esok jumaat~
then ahad.
ade agenda dlm 3 hari nie. =D
saye ngantok, dan saye mahu tido~
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
da nak cuti mid sem! yippie~
sok ad satu lagi test. aiyakk!
fyp. sile fokus scara serius.
p/s : saye bnyk berpk secara kritikal lewat ini. harus bagaimanakah? (-.-)"
clas pkul 9 pgi. --> aku dtg 830..sbb aku ingt pkul 830..
aku kalut nk bce bku, sbb besok test...n tbe2 dpt mail pasal presentation pasal assgnment 1 besok...dem! salah tgk schedule lgik...test on next week, not diz week...
x organize langsung.huh!.......mcm2 sgt dlm otak kot. kluarkan. kluar kan.
kadang2 bile aku melihat seseorang nie, aku terfkir, alangkah bagus nya kalau aku boleh jadi mcm die, alangkah bertuah nye kalau aku ad ap yg dia ad. alangkah bahagia nye kalau semua yg die ad, aku ad...
alangkah...terlalu bnyk alangkah. terlalu bnyk melihat tentang org, tentang sekeliling. lupa tentang diri sendri. tu lah manusia... ap yg d lihat pada org, smua nye cantik, smua nye lawa. xpandai nk hargai diri sendri.
haish...sile la bersyukur wahai kamu!
*saye sgt bnyk keje! harap maklum! dan saye tiada kelebihan terntu yg org laen ad. boleh ckp bgitu x?? xbek..xbaek...smua ad hikmah msing2. okes! kuatkan semangat! yu can do it!! chaiyok2!
eh, da nak siap2 ntok present IOP sbnr nye jap agik, kul 1. sempat lagik menaip.. hehe, hold dari smlm sbnr nye, sbb kalau tulih smlm, for sure, rating blog aku naek, ekeke..pasaipa?? haa...diam2 sudeyh...
kerana ini blog aku, maka aku boleh tulih sesuke hati. betul? mmg betul...tp ad care jugak, kalau anda tulih, "hari nie, aku g sardon breakfast, pastu kne tahan ngn JPJ, lantas d saman sbb road tax mati! dem la pakcik JPJ itu!!" --> kalo ko yakin pakcik jpj tuh x bce blog ko, ok kot~ huhuhu~~maka :- bile kite tulis, bersedia ntok menerima implikasi atas ap yg kite tulih. tp kan, kdg2 jugak, tabiat kite2 nie, tulis pasal org len, org len yg nek hangin. nak gelak pon ade gak. tp taw x, nape jadik nye mcm tuh?? sbb nye "we care"~ kdg2 isu yg kite ckp, mnyentuh sensitiviti yg boleh meranap kan jewa para2 pembaca yg laen, huhu...sbb blog kite nie bukan tatapan untuk si dia yg d tuju kan entry tersebut. ramai jeh yg bley bace. walau mungkin kadang2 emosi yg mnguasai kite ktika kite menaip, itu juge tdak d nafikan, dari pengalaman juge~~ tp ap yg aku buat normally, kalau dah sakit hati sgt nie, nk kutuk2 si fulan bin si fulan nie, aku taip laju2, pastu save kat draft, 2-3 hari lepas da okeh, cube ko bukak balik draft tuh, kompem ko akan nmpk sesuatu, mcm nmpk refleksi dri anda yg sgt.......(xmoh ckp, cube try buat)
bak kate seseorg yg aku admire die nye tulisan, kalau kite nk luahkan sesuatu, puisi adelah medium yg sgt bagus. kau biarkan ap yg ko ckp tuh, tergantung2, biar org teka2. sbb kadang2 ap yg kite x suke, kite state..jgn buat cmnie! cmtuh! aku xsuke, aku benci.. sekali tup2, kite buat....pergh~ watdehel. xke terkene batang hdung sendri... aku penah gak alami situasi mcm nie, jadik, faham gak la..sbb rase cm hell gak! huhu.. so, try to avoid k~
n satu lagik, aku ngantok sebenar nye, ta paham nape ak ngantok cmnie, telan pil tido ke ap. - n asaimen encik security itu x buat lagik, - kne cek buku ccna ntok encik tersebot, - cek buku management kt kdai itu juga, - asengkan duet JPA sblom aku meghabeskan nye dgn minda d bwah sedar, - lebih merajen kan diri - tiket balik! tiket balik ~ ntok majlis pertunangan ituh
p/s : mohon maaf kalau ad yg terasa hati untuk entry ini, nie kan blog aku! suka hati la...ekeke!!~~
hem, tggal lagik beberapa bulan, sblum aku menamatkan degree kat bumi usm nie...(hopefully, boleh habes, tamau extend)
ap yg merunsing kan jiwa....
-keje mmg bnyk..(ini normal la)
-master --> nak smbg ke x??
ye, saye mahu meminta pendapat kalian2..
jauh d sudut hati...berbelah2 bahagi, nk smbg master ke x...
bak kate cikgu skola rendahku itu...smbg la, maseh muda, jauh lagik perjalanan...
borak2 ngn amy, die ckp..smbg la master..masuk industri ni bukan mudah...ye, da rase kot cmne keje IT dalam industri...
angah kol td...suh apply job....
mama kate...up to u to choose..
aku?? ---> kne submit sume mende before 26 feb
firstly yg aku takut is....aku xdpt job after graduate...
secondly..xdek prob sgt kot nk smbg master bg aku cause aku surely akan pilih mix mode half research, half exam. nk belajar lagi, bukan satu halangan la...kire nye, masih mampu...cume...
ye, ade cume....ad sape2 taw, bout the yuran n all those thing...
surely aku indie kot...yuran cmne?? xmoh ptptn....degree cek JPA sponsor...kalau boleh seboleh2 nye, aku nk elakkan amek ptptn...n any other choice??
sape yg tau...aku buntu jap...hemm..sendri support? bnyk plak duet mak apak aku nk tggung aku...huhu....ngade2 xmoh amek ptptn sape swoh...sbb..sejarah family xdek yg amek ptptn nie..abg, angah...sume xdek yg amek pt b4 nie...seboleh2 nye tamoh gak...*sayu kejap*
hem..sape tau berape yuran2 tuh sume..nk buat calculation...kalau ckup duet dlm akaun, ley la kautim nk smbg master, n kot2 ley mintak jadik RA ke...*sbb tuh pk...keje la sng..tp, sng ke carik keje?*
mende nie jadik mudah kalau aku xgedik2 xmoh amek ptptn kan? betul x? ntah la, jadik ralat la, xmoh hutang2 nie..ade choice laen, seboleh2 nye tamoh la..n mmg dari asrama dlu, duet perbelanjaan adela dari biasiswa sendri, n xsanggup plak nk burden my mum n dad since dorg pon ad tggungjwb laen...sdgkan i'm big enuf to find own job..ke aku jeh yg pk complicated sgt..??sng2 da taw xdek duet, xpayah la smbg master...cmtuh? n pegi jeh carik kje pas grad nie. gtu??
maka?? pendapat kamu2 yg laen??
::rezki Tuhan tu ad d mane2 syg..sabar ye..istikharah bnyak2..:: --> ayat tenangkan diri sndri.
gle la. perit maseh terasa kot.. but, it was awesome!
trimas kepada sume2 yg trlibat dlm proses naik dn trun.
had so much fun, endure so much pain, but the memories remains. =)
btw, other than that..
it melt..slowly. huhu
isu tntg entry lepas.
pergi jauh dlu, nnt2 aku kembali, jika punya waktu.
*nangis pagi td mase odw ke kelas! sgt dem! aku benci oukeh bile tbe2 lemah, xpenah rase LOSER macm tuh!! n 1st time ponteng klas tnpa sbb, aku bukan org yg jenis ponteng klas, harap maklum~ cess dan cess!!*
Ya Allah Ya Rabb..kuat kan aku. Mohon pada kamu ya. Plezz..
*jika rase2 ini maseh d tmpt yg sama sepulang nye aku dari yong belar, akan aku coretkan*
-ianya berkisar tntg hati aku yg rapuh tiba2.
-tentang percaturan hidup yg aku kira sukar untuk kita jangka dan kadang2 bikin kita terduduk
-kisah seorang teman, shabat yg mengeluh padaku akan kisah cinta nya yg tidak kesampaian..beliau melayan kesedihan sdg kan aku sibuk mguruskan urusan untuk ke Yong Belar. maafkan aku sayang..aku pulang segera ntok tenangkan kamu ya.
hari nie, terbace kosmo while browsing for topic yg nk kne submit for oral LHP 456 (still x puas hati, y sc comp student must take this paper?)huhu....spoken english...sgt mlas! (huhu..tlong rajin! juz ckp jeh..tu pon susah ke)
so, back to the news that i found in that kosmo...in Geneva. the team : - ( doctor + software engineer ) planning to invent the new brain model, n soon released in 2018...it was amazed!!First kind of invention in this world!~ hem...this project so-called as "projek Otak Biru".....this model composed by silicon, bronze, and gold~ hem..i bet, if this project work successfully..the people who used this brain will get shoot by the pencurik meyh...sape xmoh curik..otak yg dperbuat dari emas, silicon , n gangsa?..hoho
Hasil ciptaan yang terbaru itu mungkin dianggap sejenis makhluk dan dalam tempoh sedekad, makhluk rekaannya itu boleh berfikir, mempunyai perasaan dan lebih hebat lagi mampu jatuh cinta.
Projek Profesor Markram itu digolongkan sebagai percubaan paling luar biasa dalam sejarah saintifik.
Berpuluh-puluh juta euro telah mengalir ke makmal saintis itu di Institut Minda Otak Politeknik Ecole, di Lausanne bagi menjayakan projek itu manakala penyumbangnya termasuk pentadbiran Switzerland, Kesatuan Eropah (EU) selain beberapa firma swasta seperti gergasi perisian komputer IBM.
Profesor Markram bukan membina robot yang meniru pergerakan manusia seperti ditonjolkan dalam filem sains fiksyen, sebaliknya beliau mahu menguraikan otak manusia sehingga ke peringkat terkecil iaitu sel sebelum hubungan di antara berbilion-bilion sel otak itu dianalisis seterusnya 'dipetakan' ke dalam komputer.
Hasilnya, otak tiruan yang dinamakan Otak Biru itu boleh berfikir dan berperasaan seperti manusia tetapi ia berada di dalam sebuah super komputer.
-credit to KOSMO-
BTW..ap yg menarik perhatian adalah...they really can map all those neuron into computer? using wat the brain will operated? microprocessor? how fast it can process? ley shut down? kalau break down cmner? how it will connect wit the other organ manusia? n bout those feeling..sakit,marah,fell in love? ouh..how sad if the person fell in love with u because it already been programmed..mcm jatuh chenta ngn super computer...teringt plak satu cte jepun yg pernah aku tonton dlu...huhu..dsyat nye..
tp mcm yg die kate Otak biru tu ley berfkir dan berperasaan spt manusia?...how come ek..if possible pon..jap..msti akan kaji balik pergerakkan mnusia..map back in computer, n program back as normal person will react. jap3...gle membebel..ok, bek g lunch. jap g off to clas..
- meeting ngn CEDEC people @ 2.30
- YONG BELAR coming friday..(gosh! not telling my mum yet...cmne nk susun ayat kasik chantek...)